Journal articles, books, book chapters, and contributions to congress proceedings

  1. Aubin J., Latourre Q., Conti F., Jaeger C., Gayet V. (2022) - Environmental performances of seabream-oyster-clam-shrimp IMTA: the life cycle assessment point of view. Aquaculture Europe 2022. Rimini 27-30 September 2022.
  2. Aubin, J., Q. Latourre, F. Conti, C. Jaeger, and V. Gayet. (2022) - Performances Environnementales d'un Système Amti Daurades-Huîtres-Palourdes-Crevettes. Journées de la Recherche Piscicole Française. Paris, 05-06 Juillet 2022.
  3. Aubin, J., S. Le Féon, T. Dubois, C. Jaeger, Q. Latourre, A. Wilfart, V. Gayet, et al. (2022) - Dexiaqua, Un Outil Multicritères Pour L'évaluation De La Durabilité Des Élevages Aquacoles. Journées de la Recherche Piscicole Française. Paris, 05-06 Juillet 2022.
  4. Bacenetti, J., S. Le Féon, T Dubois, C. Jaeger, A. Wilfart, N.A. Corfini, G. Coppola, M Costantini, J. Aubin. (2021) - A model to assess the sustainability of aquaculture systems: first results from the SIMTAP project. Aquaculture Europe 2021. Funchal, 4-10 October 2021.
  5. Bacenetti, J.; F, H.G.; Facchinetti, D.; Parolini, M. (2019) - Approaches to Tackle Emerging Challenges in European Aquaculture. 16th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology – CEST 2019, 3–4. Rhodes, Greece, 4-7 September 2019
  6. Barbaresi, A.; Agrusti, M.; Ceccarelli, M.; Bovo, M.; Tassinari, P.; Torreggiani, D. (2022) - A method for the validation of measurements collected by different monitoring systems applied to aquaculture processing plants. Biosystem Engineering 223, 30–41. https://DOI:10.1016/j.biosystemseng.2021.07.011
  7. Barbaresi, A.; Bibbiani, C.; Bovo, M.; Benni, S.; Santolini, E.; Tassinari, P.; Agrusti, M.; Torreggiani, D. (2020) - A Smart Monitoring System for Self-sufficient Integrated Multi-Trophic AquaPonic. IEEE Int. Metrol. Agric. For. MetroAgriFor 2020 - Proc. 2020, 175–179. https://DOI:10.1109/MetroAgriFor50201.2020.9277639
  8. Ciurli, A.; Modeo, L.; Pardossi, A.; Chiellini, C. (2021) - Multidisciplinary integrated characterization of a native Chlorella-like microalgal strain isolated from a municipal landfill leachate. Algal Research 54. https://DOI:10.1016/j.algal.2021.102202
  9. Costantini M., Zoli M., Rossi L., Bibbiani C, Bacenetti J. (2022) - Environmental impact of fish farming cages in different production and management scenarios. 12th International AIIA Conference: Biosystems Engineering towards the Green Deal. Improving the resilience of agriculture, forestry and food systems in the post-Covid era. September 19-22, 2022 Palermo – Italy.
  10. Féon, S. Le; Dubois, T.; Jaeger, C.; Wilfart, A.; Akkal-Corfini, N.; Bacenetti, J.; Costantini, M.; Aubin, J. (2021) - DEXIAQUA, a model to assess the sustainability of aquaculture systems: Methodological development and application to a french salmon farm. Sustainaibility 13, https://DOI:10.3390/su13147779
  11. Jaeger C., Corraze G., Gayet V., Terrier F., Aubin J. (2022) - Feeding seabream in substituting fishmeal and fish oil by fresh mussel and feed based on vegetal resources. Aquaculture Europe 2022. Rimini 27-30 September 2022.
  12. Jaeger C., Gayet V., Aubin J. (2021) - Associating seabream, oyster, clam and shrimp in a earthen pond loop: towards an environmentally friendly system, Aquaculture Europe 2021. Funchal, 4-10 October 2021.
  13. Puccinelli M., Galati D., Carmassi G., Rossi L., Pardossi A., Incrocci L. (2023) - Leaf production and quality of sea beet (Beta vulgaris maritima) grown with saline drainage water from recirculating hydroponic or aquaculture systems. Scientia Horticulturae 322, 112416. https://DOI:10.1016/j.scienta.2023.112416
  14. Puccinelli, M.; Carmassi, G.; Botrini, L.; Bindi, A.; Rossi, L.; Fierro-Sañudo, J.F.; Pardossi, A.; Incrocci, L. (2022a) - Growth and Mineral Relations of Beta vulgaris cicla and Beta vulgaris ssp. maritima Cultivated Hydroponically with Diluted Seawater and Low Nitrogen Level in the Nutrient Solution. Horticulturae 2022, 8. https://DOI:10.3390/horticulturae8070638
  15. Puccinelli, M.; Fierro-Sañudo, J.F.; Bibbiani, C.; Fronte, B.; Maibam, C.; Dubois, T.; Pardossi, A.; Incrocci, L.; Rossi, L. (20022b) - Multi-Criteria DEXi Analysis for the Selection of Crop Species for Saltwater Aquaponics. Horticulturae 8, 1–18. https://DOI:10.3390/horticulturae8080703
  16. Rossi L., Bibbiani C., Pardossi A., Sangiacomo C., Fronte B. (2021) - Commercial feed replacement for a sustainable and self-sufficient integrated marine aquaponic production. Aquaculture Europe 2021.
  17. Rossi L., Puccinelli M., Marchioni I., Bibbiani C., Fronte B., Incrocci L., Pardossi A. al. (2024). Aquaponics: challenges and opportunities for commercial application. Book chapter in "Developing circular agricultural production systems (ed. Barbara Amon)", Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing Limited, Cambridge CB22 3HJ UK. ISBN-13: 9781801462563.
  18. Rossi, L.; Bibbiani, C.; Fierro-Sañudo, J.F.; Maibam, C.; Incrocci, L.; Pardossi, A.; Fronte, B. (2021) - Selection of marine fish for integrated multi-trophic aquaponic production in the Mediterranean area using DEXi multi-criteria analysis. Aquaculture 535. https://DOI:10.1016/j.aquaculture.2021.736402
  19. Zoli M., Costantini M., Le Féon S., Dubois T, Jaeger C., Wilfart A., Corfini N.A., Bacenetti J., Aubin J. (2022) - Development of a model for a triple layer sustainability assessment of aquaculture. Convegno Associazione Rete Italiana LCA "La sostenibilità nel contesto del PNRR: il contributo della Life Cycle Assessment" 2022.  ISSN 9791221004588. Palermo, 22-24 giugno 2022.
  20. Zoli M., Rossi L. Costantini M., Bacenetti J. (2022) - Life cycle assessment (LCA) of different aquaculture systems: preliminary results from the SIMTAP project. III convegno AISSA-Under 40, “La ricerca scientifica nel processo di transizione ecologica in agricoltura”, Bolzano, 14–15 Luglio 2022.
  21. Zoli M., Rossi L. Costantini M., Bacenetti J., Fronte B., Bibbiani C. (2022) - Life cycle assessment of seabream and seabass farming in offshore cages in Tuscany (Central Italy). ECSA 59. Using the best scientific knowledge for the sustainable management of estuaries and coastal seas. 5-8 September 2022, San Sebastian, Spain.
  22. Zoli M., Rossi L. Costantini M., Bacenetti J., Fronte B., Bibbiani C, (2022) - Life cycle assessment of different Italian offshore aquaculture plants. 13th International Conference on Life Cycle Assessment of Food 2022 (LCA Foods 2022): “The role of emerging economies in global food security”. 12-14 October 2022, Lima, Peru (hybrid conference).
  23. Zoli M., Rossi L. Costantini M., Fronte B., Bibbiani C, Bacenetti J. (2022) - Life cycle assessment nell’acquacoltura: caso studio di un impianto off-shore nel centro Italia. Convegno Associazione Rete Italiana LCA "La sostenibilità nel contesto del PNRR: il contributo della Life Cycle Assessment" 2022.  ISSN 9791221004588. Palermo, 22-24 giugno 2022. DOI:
  24. Zoli M., Rossi L. Costantini M., Fronte B., Bibbiani C., Bacenetti J. (2023) - Quantification and characterization of the environmental impact of sea bream and sea bass production in Italy. Cleaner Environmental Systems 9 (2023) 100118. https://DOI:10.1016/j.cesys.2023.100118
  25. Zoli M., Rossi L., Bibbiani C, Bacenetti J. (2023) - Life cycle assessment of seabass and seabream production in the Mediterranean area: a critical review. Aquaculture 573, 739580 https://DOI:10.1016/j.aquaculture.2023.739580
  26. Zoli M., Rossi L., Costantini M., Fronte B., Bibbiani C., Bacenetti J. (2022) - Life cycle assessment of an Italian off-shore aquaculture plant. Aquaculture Europe 2022. Rimini 27-30 September 2022.
  27. Zaniboni, A., Tassinari, P., Torreggiani, D., 2024. GIS-based land suitability analysis for the optimal location of integrated multi-trophic aquaponic systems. Sci. Total Environ. 913, 169790.